Really Hope Barcelona Loses In Horrific Fashion After Finding Out They Are Wearing Drake's Logo On Their Jerseys Against Real Madrid

Gross man. Fucking gross. I know it's a partnership. I know it's part of making money - something that Barcelona doesn't have,  but also does have. That's a whole different blog. The fact is they are wearing this for El Classico. One of the biggest rivalries in all of sports. That's how you ruin an iconic jersey. Some may say I'm bitter about this because we lost to URmom in Dozen on this question. I disagree. I'm a fan of iconic jerseys and Barcelona has one. You don't need the Drake owl out there. It's JV level shit. 

I'm not even an anti-Drake guy. I mean, I am when he's out here looking like this

But I don't mind his music. Dude likes basketball. All good in my book. However, we're talking about Barcelona vs Real Madrid here. If you really want to wear this jersey, wear it for a no-name match. Don't wear it for the biggest one on the schedule. It should always be the stripes of Barcelona vs the all white look Real Madrid has. Iconic. That's what matters this time of the year. 

Would be a real shame if the Drake Curse came back out here. Can't really say it happened in Champions League this week since they found a way to tie Inter. But would be a real shame for it to come back.