Swifties All Over The World Will Be Running On Little Sleep This Week After Taylor Swift Announced Her Roll Out Schedule For The "Midnights" Release

The Midnights Manifest. It's here. Taylor has been keeping us up late for months now, in one of her best marketing moves to date. What's so interesting about Taylor, is that the diehard fans are truly interested in the ways she plans to market her music. Taylor clues us into what we can do to hype her up, and all of the loyal freaks have no problem doing it. Here are some thing we're seeing for this week:

Spotify has a billboard in Times Square, flashing new album lyrics at Midnight:

Guess I'm going to have to find a friend and bring my mace up to TSQ so I can see this first hand, or maybe buy a bunch of mystery plane tickets if they start showing up in other cities?? 

The Empire State Building is being sketchy

ESB loves to play with our emotions when it comes to Taylor, and Swifties are sick of the games. TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW ALREADY TYLER O'DAY!

Thursday Night Football???

We know from the Manifest that during the third quarter of TNF, we're getting a "Teaser Trailer." I assume for the Friday 8am release of the Anti-Hero video???


Okay, after we get a little taste on TNF, Friday at Midnight is when it all really starts. I'll be doing an instagram live at this point, going for I have no idea how long, but we'll need to cover:

- The album release

- A 3am chaotic surprise

- A music video

- Some kind of "Challenge" 


STREAM STREAM STREAM. As if we'd be doing anything else. 

MONDAY - Jimmy Fallon

Will this be a normal appearance? Or will she be dropping more videos and hints and merch and possibly her own line of sleeping pills??? (lmao jk)


It looks like whatever the video is, it'll probably literally premiere on Jimmy Fallon, in the middle of the show at midnight. We have no idea which song it'll be, or what kind of music video we're talking about. All I know is that this woman has been fucking BUSY.

And we wrap up the week with more streaming and an appearance on The Graham Norton show, which is always a guaranteed laugh.

What do all of the different pen colors mean? What does each number of stars drawn on each date mean? These are the questions we'll all be scrambling to decode in the days to come. Buckle up Swifties, we're in for a wild ride this week.

If you are not a fan of Taylor Swift, or you get triggered and angry and stomp your feet any time someone mentions her, now would be a good time to unfollow me. XOXO