This Explanation Of KISS From Role Models Is A Perfect Scene In A Perfect Movie

This is just one of many scenes in 'Role Models' that cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it. This exchange is absolutely perfect and laugh out loud funny....

….and the payoff of the guys showing up as KISS-MY-ANTHIA is genuinely an all-time ending to an all-time comedy in my eyes.

Why am I blogging this out of the blue today, though?

It's Halloween, and as a special My Mom's Basement Halloween Extravaganza episode, my older brother Mike and I got all done up in the paint for an episode all about our love and admiration of KISS!

I've been a massive KISS fan (or member of the KISS Army, as we say it) for as long as I could remember thanks to my brother's influence, so this was a trip down memory lane for the both of us and we had a really great time doing it….

Give it a watch (or a listen!) if you want to hear a little bit more about what makes KISS one of the greatest rock bands ever in our eyes.

At the end of the show, we each listed off some of the most underrated KISS songs in their entire discography, and I've put our picks on a playlist below if you're interested….

Bonus Role Models Highlights

P.S. Jane Lynch is so fucking funny in 'Role Models'. Arguably her best role ever.