The Nets Got Lit Up For 153 Points By The Kings But Hardo Brooklyn Fans Will Probably Somehow Still Blame Steve Nash


I'm dying over here y'all. I don't mean to laugh at someone else's misfortune but...

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Yeah Brooklyn Nets bro, it was most definitely Steve Nash's fault that everything went to hell with your team. All you needed to do was change the head coach. Boom. Presto. You're back in business! LOOK AT YOU GO! Two wins over the Knicks and Kawhi-less Clippers upon making Jacque Vaughn your official, full-time guy! Mountainous achievements! You're ROLLING!!!

Yeahno. Then a loss to the Lakers. Uh-oh. Then whatever the fuck Tuesday night was. 

I mean…would that even be considered a professional effort put forth? Did Vaughn not even bother to come up with a game plan? Or wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. Did Brooklyn's players maybe ignore it? Wouldn't be the first time. If only there wasn't some prominent superstar on the squad (currently MIA) who didn't set a terrible precedent in that regard…


What was the Nets' approach to the defensive end of the court in this game? Was it a sort of "do as you please/optional" type of policy? I have so many rhetorical questions I could keep going but I'll stop there. Bottom line is the collective lack of heart and competitive pride were glaring and straight-up pathetic to see.

I think Steve Nash is owed an apology. The fact that Kyrie Irving still isn't back seven games into his five-game suspension tells you all you need to know about how much of a projectile feces shit show everything Nets-related was and is. 

Ooooh lookie here. Let's check in on what Vaughn had to say afterwards:

Excuse me…?

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SIR. Sir. Sirrrrrrrrr. You're talking about having a two-game hangover in Game 15 of an 82-game regular season. You realize how bad of a look that is right? Probably not, because why would you?

Oh and then imagine being the Brooklyn Nets and employing an all-time great like Kevin Durant who can't put down Elon Musk's Twitter Machine without at least slightly sabotaging his self-image. KD is him, he does him, and he chills. I'm referring to his Tweeter Bio not saying "HE'S HIM" because for fuck's sake, please knock all that right the hell off.

We all know the deal. KD not the type of team leader who can pull the Nets out of their dysfunction. How about being a good, positive-reinforcing mentor for Ben Simmons before his career 100% implodes, KD? Nah. Ain't about that life. Get your numbers, man. Keep bolstering that statistical legacy whilst being moons away from another championship, as Charles Barkley alluded to BEFORE tip-off of this latest embarrassing display by Brooklyn.

The Nets are completely and utterly fucked as they're currently constructed and I'm here for ALL OF IT.

Not to take too much away from the 7-6 (!!) Kings, though. Congrats to them for being above .500 this deep into the season. Can't remember the last time I saw that. 

Shooting 60.2% even if the game is treated like a casual scrimmage in practice is an achievement. My guy Mike Brown making an early case for his second — that's right, second — COACH OF THE YEAR award!! I used to love the Kings growing up. Jason Williams, Chris Webber, Vlade Divac, Corliss Williamson, Peja Stojakovic, Hedo Turkoglu, Doug Christie, Mike Bibby, BOBBY JACKSON…I'm just naming dudes in random order.

Quick question, Barstool reader: Did you know who Terence Davis, Sacramento's 31-point leading scorer from tonight, was before reading this sentence? The only reason I did was because I kept kicking him into my dumbass five-team trade scenarios over the summer to mix and match certain salaries. Yup, he canned seven 3-pointers in Brooklyn's stupid faces. One of seven Kings in double figures to boot.

…And as long as this goes on with the Nets, it will never not be funny. Too often prominent public figures who are massive dickheads don't get the comeuppance they deserve. 

Sorry to say to the, um, loyal Brooklyn fans out there (poor souls, you lot) who are still holding out hope that his era isn't a total failure and aren't constantly, 100% validly shitting on the team a la our beloved Frank The Tank, but that comeuppance is happening now with your whoooooole basketball operation.

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