The Greatest Neighbor Of All-Time Left His New Neighbor A Nickelback Mixtape & Bottle Of Tequila After Seeing They're Fans

Oh my god. The perfect neighbor does exist! Goodbye Kramer. Goodbye Joey & Chandler. Goodbye Urkel. We have a new greatest neighbor of all-time and it's Curtis Wexeltrust that just so happens to live in apartment #7D. It looks like Curtis' new neighbor happened to move in with a car cool enough to have a Nickelback bumper sticker on it so what better way to welcome the newbie to the building than making them a Nickelback mixtape and packaging it with a bottle of tequila? The answer is there is no better way. Absolutely, positively, literally no better way.

And how about Annie from #14B also being on the Nickelback train? Amazing. I gotta figure out what building this is that there's a literal Nickelback Fanclub going on over there. Sounds immaculate for when I finally decide to move out of my Mom's basement. Anyways- start your weekend off with some Nickelback!