First Came The Kings Victory Beam, Now They're Adding A DPOG Chain Into The Mix And The Sky's The Limit

Jason Miller. Getty Images.

First came the Victory Beam. Not only has it taken over and completely changed the Kings franchise, it has now become a place of worship

That's what happens when you're off to one of the best starts in 16 years, sit at 14-10 and with a top 6 seed in the West over a quarter of the way through the season. By pretty much all accounts, the Kings have been one of the best stories of the early part of the NBA season. While some may be expecting them to eventually come back down to earth, I'm not so sure that's going to happen. This may just be who the Kings are now, and they gave us yet another reason to buy in.

Enter the DPOG Chain.

Last night the Kings could care of the 3rd seeded Cavs (with no Mitchell, but SAC had no Fox) and did their usual lighting of the beam

meanwhile, in the locker room….

Hell yes. I am IN on the DPOG Chain. That thing is fucking sick. I always loved things like the turnover chain and whatnot, so I am all in on the DPOG Chain. We've seen what powers the Victory Beam possesses, well what happens when you mix a badass chain like that to the mix? Should we be talking about the Kings moving up to a top 4 team? Not just breaking their playoff drought, but having homecourt along the way? I don't know how anyone could seriously rule that out. We're sort of in uncharted waters here.

This just makes me so happy for Kings fans. Those people have suffered for nearly half my life. There is nothing better as a fan than when your favorite team is good and the vibes are immaculate. Look at those videos and tell me that is not exactly what is happening right now for the Kings. The entire vibe around them has changed, and that's all possible because they are actually taking care of business on the court. When you win, you get to do fun shit.

Here's another reason why this new DPOG Chain is important. Anyone who has watched the Kings knows they have legit talent and are an offensive machine. They currently have the 5th best offense in all of basketball in case you were curious. For them, it's always come back to the defensive end. Whether or not they could actually figure out how to get stops ultimately is what decided their ceiling. If you can't defend in the NBA, nothing else really matters, especially if you want to mak ethe playoffs. 

So far this season, the Kings rank 19th. That kinda stinks. But so far in December? They're 6th! You'll be interested to know they're also 3-1 this month, which feels related. If you're someone who wants a larger sample, their defense has also been 5th since Thanksgiving. That was all before the invention of the DPOG Chain, just imagine what now could be possible.

As I've said before, I'm rooting that the Kings get to have their own Seattle Mariners moment this year. I don't know how anyone couldn't be. They're a great story and a city that deserves it after decades of bullshit. Fingers crossed.