People Helping People: Dozens Of Argentina Fans Lifting A Husky Fella Onto A Roof To Celebrate Is Inspiration At Its Finest

This is what it's all about man. The entire country of Argentina coming together to help this one single fella with his ass hanging out up to the top to party. You win a World Cup, everyone deserves to party. And you can't tell me he didn't love it. This was pure emotion when he made it: 

Might need a bigger shirt. But who cares? Maybe it's his lucky shirt. Maybe that's why Emi Martinez made that save. Ever think about that? All I know is this is determination and inspiration all wrapped into one. They didn't have to help him up. They could have chalked it up to 'well not my problem pal.' But they lifted him up a hoisted that chunky fella to the high heavens. Let the man party.

At the same time, you gotta be a little worried if you're up top partying. That thing for sure has a weight limit and capacity there. Call me selfish but the moment I feel a wobble up there I'm pushing him off or jumping off. That said, I love that he didn't even bother to fully fix the jersey. Let that belly breathe baby. 

Sidenote: Yeah, I don't think Argentina went to bed yet