White Sox Dave Buried Us All In His "Airing Of Grievances" And Then Told Us The Story Of How He Used To Bury His Porn In The Ground

So on last week's episode of "On The Guest List" White Sox Dave dropped some veryyyyy interesting stories on us. We were discussing beefs, rather the grievances we had, during our "Airing Of Grievances" segment in honor of Festivus.

In the long list of grievances Dave had, he slammed Kenny,, and Johnny Kongo "the definition of one-hit wonders...", and "has-beens", he said I am "off the reservation" and that "politics have rotted my brain", which he's probably right about, he told Colin he's still waiting on a hit.

All tough to argue if we're being totally honest.

But as great as those burns were, they were nothing compared to when Dave just casually brought up the fact that he used to bury his porn as a kid...

When he mentioned that it was the infamous "Chyna" issue I puked in my mouth and lost the tiny last shred of respect I had for Dave left. For good.

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What kind of maniac digs a hole in the ground to hide something he’s ashamed of, yet is also incredible valuable to them?

A serial killer. That’s who.

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Just another serial-killer trait to add to Dave's long list. What a barbarian.

You can listen to the whole episode here -

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