Mr. Robot Gives Us The Episode We've Been Waiting For, And Then Some

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I realize Mr. Robot probably hasnt burst on to the mainstream yet. Probably because its on USA. Probably because for the most part it has some no name actors. But like a few other shows that came before it on weird channels with unknown actors, I think Mr. Robot has the chance to put USA and a lot of people on the map.

I’m not going to do a full recap here but I’ve been talking about on twitter and the podcast and I want this to be my formal endorsement on the blog. Buy episodes on iTunes, find them online, set your DVR for re-runs. Because this show is wild and last nights episode was bananas. Stop now if you plan on catching up. If you watched last night, continue on










Holy fucking shit. I knew we were due for an episode like this, and I figured it would be coming right around now or next week with only 3 episodes left. We knew there had to be some sort of explanation of Christian Slater, but the double curve ball with Darlene being the sister was a nice touch. Like the whole audience is expecting a huge reveal between Elliot and Mr. Robot but since we knew that was coming, they tossed another bombshell our way. From the very beginning of the episode, when Darlene and Angela acted like old best friends at ballet class, I was confused as fuck. Admittedly, I am always confused as fuck with this show. Darlene knowing Angela seemed completely out of place but this show uses flashbacks and what seems like hallucinations and all sorts of other tactics that I just kinda said to myself “What the fuck is happening here?” The wheels didnt start spinning trying to think why this would be the case. But 2 girls sharing the same concern for Elliot, it all fits perfectly that one would be his sister. It also makes perfect sense now why Darlene gave him her phone number and was like “Fuck the hacker rules, this is about me and you now.” A sister protecting her brother. The reveal of Mr. Robot and Darlene is one of those curve balls where now you need to go back and rewatch every episode, armed with this new knowledge. I’m sure a million different scenes, conversations, and decisions all look completely different now that you know we’re talking about a brother and sister and Mr. Robot represents Elliot’s and Darlene’s father.

If I had to describe the final minutes of Episode 7 in one word: tense. The dramatic music, the camera angles they used with Elliot, the slow build up to him opening up the files on his computer, the flashing faces as he looked at himself in the mirror, realizing he’s completely lost his mind and doesnt know who is who and what is real anymore – all of it was the type of TV where you realize youre not watching, but you’re staring. Staring at the screen eyes bugging out of your head, mouth like half open thinking “Holy shit what is going ON?” The internet is obviously going wild with speculation. There seems to be a contingent of people that still believe Christian Slater is real and he’s Elliot’s father and faked his death. Which seems dopey to me. Unless he hasn’t aged a day since Elliot and Darlene were children. I think Mr. Robot and Elliot are one in the same, a multiple personality disorder type thing. The whole reason Elliot is hacking E Corp is because they knowingly let his father die. And so I think there’s some part of his brain that has this Mr. Robot manifestation – as his dead father – to push him to continue with this grand plan of hacking anarchy. His father’s death represents the corruption that can exist in big time corporate America, and Elliot needs to be reminded of that death and that corruption to continue on with his grand plan. At least thats how I’m viewing it right now. Like I said, to be honest, I am still very confused. Early on I was convinced Mr. Robot was strictly a figment of Elliot’s imagination, but as episodes continued on and on, you saw Christian Slater interact with more and more people. First the old black hacker dude, and then most recently with Tyrell Wellick (more on him in a minute). And so now obviously its not that Christian Slater isnt real. Hes clearly talking to very real people. I just think that those conversations are happening with Elliot, its just when his aggressive, fearless, complete-anarchy hacker personality is out.

But there are still SO many things that confuse me to the point that I think we could be in store for yet another big twist. Namely, why does everyone else speaking to Elliot call E Corp “Evil Corp?” Even the newsanchor on TV referred to it as Evil Corp. That makes no sense. Why would everyone else  be using Elliot and his hacker group’s nickname for the company? Almost makes you feel like some of those moments arent exactly “real” either. I’m starting to get the feeling that if we’re seeing this entire story through the eyes of Elliot, and now we know Elliot’s psyche is completely fragmented and he’s potentially completely nuts, can you really trust anything being told through him? Who knows. Its fucking wild watching this show unfold under so much uncertainty.

And thats before we even touch the tip of the iceberg that is Tyrell Wellick and his SMOKE wife who’s a goddam maniac. Move over Cersei Lannister, there’s a new bad bitch in town thats maniacal and manipulating and will do whatever the fuck it takes to win, and that includes stabbing herself with a fucking fork to induce labor because police were just about to question them about murder. Joanna Wellick is not fucking around. Neither is Tyrell Wellick – banging dude and choking women out and shit. But he seems like he’s on the verge of losing control (That whole “God” conversation confused the shit out of me), but Joanna is cold, calculating and will risk her unborn child to get the job done. The fact that these two and this diabolical plot to get Tyrell Wellick appointed CTO is a secondary plot is NUTS. Any other show that would 100% be the focus. But its second fiddle to the insanity thats going on with Elliot. Incredible how jam packed this series is.

Ive been saying the past few weeks that Mr. Robot has like a JV Breaking Bad vibe to it. The hacking takes the place of the science in this series. Sometimes unrealistic, like the prison break a couple weeks back, but always entertaining and very creative and imaginative. Last episode, the flashback between Elliot and Shayla meeting for the first time gave me major Jesse/Jane vibes. Like had Shayla never seen Elliot doing morphine she would have never gotten Elliot involved with Vera, and who knows, maybe she doesnt end up in the back of that trunk. It was very similar to that chance encounter  Jesse had with Jane that led to her death as well. Everything about the show – from the no name channel to the intense, unique plot to the acting all gives me a Breaking Bad vibe. Not saying this show is anywhere near the Breaking Bad level, I’m just saying you can definitely draw the comparisons. Very pumped for the final 2 eps of season 1 and thankfully its already been green lit for season 2. And now, some more of Joanna Wellick because shes a smokebomb. Almost looks like Adriana Lima in the show

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