HE DID IT! HE DID IT!!!! Carlos Correa has officially passed 33% of the physicals he has taken this offseason! Good for him! We got the news yesterday that Correa was in agreement with the Twins for a 6-year deal worth $200 Million. Decent deal! Not nearly as good as the first deal he agreed to with the Giants or the second deal that he agreed to with the Mets, but still decent work. 

Not many players get the chance to fail multiple physicals in one offseason, but Correa did it, and boy did he make headlines. Now we will get his press conference later today and hear how "I never wanted to leave Minnesota", how happy he is to be back, and all those other cliches. When in reality there were two other teams he wanted to sign with for a ton of money but didn't feel comfortable with the length of the deals. 

The Twins are just....the Twins. They want to compete but are always kind of "meh". Of course they'd look the other way on a physical if it means they can bring him back. They will sell more t-shirts and jerseys and maybe get a Wild Card spot before the Yankees smoke them again in the playoffs. 

But at least they brought back Correa. If I'm them, I wouldn't care what that physical said either. Do whatever you can to bring a star like Correa back for a reasonable deal. It is funny that the Astros and Twins never had an issue with his ankle/leg injury but the Giants and Mets did. Can't wait until we get the fully detailed story in a few months. 

What a wild ride Correa had this offseason, I'm a little sad to see it go. I'd have loved if something popped up with this physical and we could run it back with another team. Would have made for some great content.