Patrick Beverley Got Hit With a Legendary Technical Foul After He Brought Out a Camera To Show The Ref The Foul He Missed

I'm usually a respect the zebras type of guy but even I have to lay down the shield of ref protection in the name of hilarity here. This is so ridiculous you have to laugh. Beverley had to know he was getting a tech, and how can you blame the official , guys got a Canon being shoved in his face on national television and you expect him to just take it ? He had to give a tech , how can he not ? Can't be shown up like that and just take it. 

Pat Bev still gets credit for the move. Absolutely wild that no one on the bench even tried to stop him. Just a total "You know what he's right go do it." Normally someone would try to stop it, not here. They all wanted the call and Pat Bev was the guy they thought could lead the protest. God Bless em. 

This is officially my favorite technical foul in NBA History. 

A close second is this clip which always cracks me up. 

My favorite college basketball tech story was from a book I read called A March to Madness by John Feinstein. Jim Valvano  asked a referee if he could get a technical foul for what he was thinking. The ref said no. Valvano said "Good because I think you stink." The ref said the line was so good he couldn't give him a tech. Valvano turned the story into folklore and would tell people during his speaking engagements that he did receive a tech, It's a great story either way. 

Subscribe and listen/watch The Pat Bev Podcast with Rone. Those guys talking about this moment will be all time.