An In-Depth (And Hardcore) Analysis Of The Conference Championship Games

Hey what’s up my fellow jocks, and welcome back to another edition of Barstool SPORTS where I analyze the frick out of the latest sports games. Let’s recap yesterday’s NFL conference championships. 

Starting off in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania… the Eagles walloped the 49ers 31-7, thanks largely in part to the 49ers not having a quarterback. Which is a very important position if you want to throw the football. Which the 49ers could not do. Due to the lack of quarterback. So they had to run every play since they could not pass (because of the whole no quarterback thing) which made it very easy for the Eagles defense to just stop the run instead of worrying about the pass since the 49ers could not do any passes, on account of them not having a quarterback. 

Okay onto Kansas City where the Chiefs beat the Bengals 23-20 on a last second field goal. For this game, we’re gonna throw it over to our expert guest panel for their thoughts on this thrilling finish. Please see the video for their expert analysis. 

Alright guys, that's it for me. I have to go play some pick up basketball. Until next time, this has been Tommy Smokes of Barstool SPORTS.