The Hits Keep Coming For Lying Congressman George Santos. Charged With Stealing $17,000 From Amish Dog Breeders In 2017

The case was ultimately dismissed after Santos said the nine checks, totaling more than $15,000, were from a checkbook that had been stolen from him, according to information provided to The Associated Press on Thursday by the attorney, Tiffany Bogosian.

The theft case, first reported by Politico, adds to the controversy surrounding the first-term Long Island congressman, who faces multiple investigations and has acknowledged lying about elements of his life story.

A spokesperson for the York County district attorney’s office in Pennsylvania, where the charges were filed, said the office cannot comment on expunged cases. Pennsylvania state police officials did not return messages seeking comment.

I feel like the internet has lost it's focus on this guy, but we shouldn't. We should actually be stopping everything and just studying his brain. I want that Jonah Hill netflix style show with his therapist, but with Santos as the subject. He has to be attached to a polygraph machine the entire time though because he definitely would not be telling his court ordered therapist the truth. I understand why people are losing focus. It's impossible to keep track of his lies. Like this latest headline about the puppies. I swear I had heard that somewhere before. I searched the internet and I got it confused with the time he stole funding for a disabled veteran's dog...which I wrote

Two different fraud charges involving puppies. That feels impossible, but not for George. The man who can lie and steal anything. He fucked up this time though. The Amish are notorious for having puppy mills. All George had to do was say "yes, I wrote the Amish those bad checks because I was trying to rescue the puppies from their puppy mill life which is horrific". Bam, put one thing, literally one, in the W column. 

Just another brutal week. It is incredible to me that this guy hasn't resigned yet. Getting finger wagged at the State of The Union by Mitt Romney. Then, when Santos tried to say one person had his back in congress, her office said he lied about it

She probably said the word "hang" to him and then pointed to a place where she would like him to do it. "hang, in there". Not exactly the same thing. Tough to be George. Probably always has been which is why he decided it would be easier if he was just a completely different person. Now that is finally catching up to him, but not until he was elected to Congress.