Monday Nightmares ... Monstrously Long Snakes Fall From The Ceiling

GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE ! Sell the house, burn it down, whatever but fuckkkkkk that. Anything you had in there chalk up as a loss. Rare jewelry, a collectible coin collection, screw it ... board that house up and move.

Are you kidding me? God damn thing was massive and thats just the one we saw pulled out. There's multiple snakes in that ceiling by my count because snakes don't have 2 tails. So God only knows (great song) how big the other one is, or how many more their are up there. What a nightmare. Imagine living in that house, or being the poor bastards pulling those things down? No wonder they "hightailed it out of there like Carl Lewis " to quote Danny Boy Cane. 

Absolute nightmare of a scene. Lunacy. 

As always ... with any snake video, the two best reference in pop culture: