There's A New "Shopping Cart Test" And Again, If You Don't Pass It You're An Animal

A few years back, before civilization really went to shit, there was a really big "test" meme going around on social media dubbed "the shopping cart test".

It posited the following:

Tiktok superstar Jack Mac, a lowly blogger back then, even blogged about it.

He said he wasn't sure, but he thinks he's passed the test more often than not, and that -

"(he) wouldn't be shocked to learn those who pass the test earn more, are healthier, have better marriages and contribute better offsprings to this society than those animals who just leave the shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot. Just a simple little test like this can probably predict a lot."

And although that's passing an extreme amount of judgment, I agree with him. 

Giphy Images.

Well fast forward a couple years, and factor in how depraved we've become as a society during that time, and we have a newer, much more extreme, shopping cart test. Care of this man caught on security camera in Costco.

The question goes like this.

If somebody is bumping into you repeatedly with their shopping cart in a store, would you lift an empty cart up over your head, and throw it at them like an animal?

Because that's what this guy did. 

He straight up pick that cart up like Brock Lesnar picking up The Rock, and tossed it like it was light as a feather at that lady.

If you answered yes to that question you need to be locked up for pre-crime. It's as simple as that. I don't care how annoying, and rude people can be, (especially Costco people), you can't be acting like that. We live in a society with rules. As much of a fantasy this is of some people, pushed to the edge, we just can't have people chucking XL shopping carts at people like they're inbounding a ball in a soccer match. Clean it up America.

p.s. - anybody who's a costco member knows this guys pain. doesn't matter the city or state you're in, these people are the fucking worst, and they all seem to gravitate and live in costco's. they leave their carts in the middle of an aisle while they peruse around the store in other aisles, like there aren't 5 million other people shopping there at all times, no matter the hour, trying to get in and out without spending half a day there. they sit in front of the sample carts and clean them out. you just know it's part of their game plan before leaving the house. like they tell their spouse, "honey remember not to eat lunch today we're going to costco for samples. we're gonna get our yearly memberships worth!" and they love to act shocked in the checkout line that something is the price it said it was on the counter. it's not a trip to the wholesale warehouse unless they can argue over the price of a lifetime supply of vitamin C capsules and ten gallons of listerine. holding up the line while they hassle the hourly waged employee like they're the ones who do the buying and the fucking prices. maybe, just maybe this guy put all these people on notice. but I doubt it.