Grant Williams Tried To Talk Shit To Donovan Mitchell Before Taking Potential Game Winning Free Throws Only To Immediately Choke And Miss Both

Omar Rawlings. Getty Images.

I am all for talking shit. I am all for the competitive spirit and playing with that fire. There's just one VERY IMPORTANT part about talking shit. You need to be able to back it up. If you don't, you're just a chump. Anyone can talk about it, but it's something entirely different to actually be about it.

Why am I blogging this? This man

For those who weren't watching the game, the Celts caught a gigantic prayer when a Payton Pritchard coast to coast layup rimmed out and Grant Williams was fouled on the putback attempt with 0.8 left. The Cavs didn't have any timeouts, so basically all Grant had to do was make at least one fucking FT and the Cavs would have to go the length fo the floor in 0.8 seconds. Making both would have been preferred, but you have to at least make ONE.

While everything was being sorted, Donovan Mitchell did exactly what you do in this situation. You try some mental warfare. Get in the shooters head in a big pressure spot. Grant promptly responded by talking shit, saying he would make BOTH free throws.

He did not make both free throws. 

They weren't even fucking close. As soon as that happened, every Celtics fan knew what was coming. No chance you win a game after that shit. Momentum completely shifted, the Cavs made a few more plays in OT, and here we are, with another inexcusable loss. First the Celts blew a 28 point lead, then they blew a 14 point lead, and then tonight it was 15. All they had to do was not collapse and they scored 17 points in the 4th quarter. They very much collapsed.

But this game should have never been in OT barring some sort of crazy prayer from the Cavs. Make you fucking FTs Grant. You want all this money in the summer, well earn it on the court. The crazy thing is Grant played well in this game for the most part and is an 83% FT shooter. Just shut the fuck up and make your FTs.

We'll talk more in the morning. I just needed to vent. This is NOT the time of year to be doing this shit. Free throws are free. Fucking make them.