Arkansas Staff Member Handled The Loss To A&M With Poise And Coolness By Smashing A Kentucky Student's Phone

Take it easy guy! Even better is the fact that this guy is apparently (according to Twitter) their video coordinator. You gotta know you can't be smashing other people's videos. That's not coordinating. Now I will say this. Every team needs a guy like this on the staff. Not necessarily a phone smasher guy. But a guy who is will do anything for the head coach. Oh you think you can talk shit to Muss? Guess what? Phone smash. You call Muss small? This dude comes flying up to chest bump you. 

Now apparently this stemmed from an A&M player and Muss sort of exchanging words after the loss. But still, who gives a shit if Muss is cussing? Welcome to sports. You obviously can't smash a phone, especially if it's just someone doing their job. I'll say that for anyone who can't take a joke. Also can't blow a 13-point lead at halftime. Pretty good way to avoid this whole scenario. 

Every team has a loose cannon. Didn't expect Arkansas' to be the video coordinator.