Legendary Comedian Andrew Dice Clay Is Just Walking Around NYC Trolling People On TikTok

The Dice Man is still working, but not in a way you would have thought. Going up to random people asking if they wanted a picture with him is funny, but the reactions are even better. What's crazy to me is how many people have absolutely no idea who Andrew Dice Clay is. I get not recognizing a celebrity, but the patented glasses have to be an absolute dead giveaway. We're talking about a guy who used to sell out Madison Square Garden within minutes. An icon in the comedy world.

Every 5-10 videos he posts, someone finally recognizes the Dice Man, restoring faith in humanity. His page has a couple hundred thousand followers, but it still feels like a hidden gem. Some of his videos don't even get that many likes, but Dice just keeps pumping out great content. There's never a doubt that Andrew Dice Clay is always worth the watch.