Ja Morant Is Countersuing The 17 Year Old Kid He Allegedly Beat Up By Claiming The Kid Ruined His All NBA Chances And Potentially Could Have Ended His Career

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Well this is certainly something I did not expect to see. I swear, the drama surrounding Ja Morant gets weirder and weirder the more we progress and new things come out. You may remember this incident that was reported last month about Ja and this 17 year old

Yahoo- Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant was accused of repeatedly punching a teenage boy in the head and threatening him with a gun last summer, according to Memphis police records acquired by the Washington Post.

The alleged incident reportedly came four days after another incident in which Morant allegedly threatened the head of security at a Memphis mall. Both allegations are emerging about a month after several of Morant's acquaintances allegedly threatened and harassed Indiana Pacers staffers with a red laser.

In the incident involving the teenage boy, the 17-year-old reportedly told police Morant, who turned 23 last August, punched him 12 or 13 times during a pickup basketball game at the point guard's house. He claimed Morant and a friend hit him so hard it left a "large knot" on the side of his head, which police observed themselves.

The teenager also reportedly Shelby County Sheriff’s Office detectives that after the fight, Morant went into his house and re-emerged with his hand on a gun visible in the waistband of his paints.

Morant reportedly told police he had been acting in self-defense, admitting "I swung first" but believing the boy was the aggressor because he threw a ball at Morant's head then stepped up to him pulling up his pants. The boy, however, alleged that he was checking the ball back to Morant, who had thrown the ball hard at him first, and the ball slipped through Morant's fingers.

Morant also reportedly claimed the boy shouted “I’m gonna come back and light this place up like fireworks,” and filed his own police report weeks later, saying the boy threatened his family.

I mean, that's not great. Punching a 17 year old 12-13 times and then going and getting your gun (allegedly) is a wild move to say the least, I think most people would agree there.

But to then turn around and sue that kid claiming YOU were the actual victim of the situation? That's another level entirely. Not only that, but if your rear the latest reporting this is one of the claims Ja is now making


Could have ended his career by throwing a basketball at his face? That's real? Call me crazy, I'm certainly not a doctor but that seems a little far fetched in my opinion. Is it technically true? Maybe. I guess if he loses an eye or has a brain injury then yeah his career might be in jeopardy, but that feels a little extreme.

What also doesn't really make sense is Ja claiming that it was the slander and lies that could cost Ja is All NBA status. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but maybe this played a role as well?

Had Ja not done that, he doesn't get suspended/removed from the team, and he plays more than 61 games. He had the production to be worthy of All NBA, but you can't seriously think that missing any of the three teams wasn't impacted by the decisions that JA MORANT himself made. To me, that video/decision was way more harmful than the other stuff being reported when it came to his All NBA chances. Whether you think that should be the case or not, completely avoiding your own actions and putting it all on a 17 year old who you (allegedly) punched and threatened with a gun is quite the move. 

It's also not great for this to all be coming out right before the Grizzlies playoff run and first round matchup with the Lakers. Now is not exactly the time for distractions, and of course, this is now going to become a distraction. Why not just wait til after the season to do something like this? Is there a timeframe you have to countersue by or something? I only specialize in Bird Law so I'm not totally sure

Either way, a story that was already crazy to begin with looks to be far from over. Imagine if this goes to trial? I almost need that to happen for the content alone.