Max Scherzer Has Been Suspended 10 Games For Using Sticky Stuff And Will Appeal The Suspension (UPDATE: Max Will Not Appeal)

So this apparently was a given because if you get run from a game for sticky stuff, a 10 game suspension comes with it as well, kinda like fortune cookies with your Chinese food. But that doesn't make it suck any less. The Mets are already down three pitchers with Justin Verlander rehabbing his arm pit, Jose Quintana's body being completely fucked up, and Cookie Carrasco on the IL for either sucking, an injury, or both. So losing Max Scherzer right now isn't ideal, even though the Mets are tied for the 4th best record in the NL and just took a series from the Dodgers on the road.

As for the appeal, it sounds like Max is going to face an uphill battle considering the rules state it's not a matter of which substances you use but more so about if the umpire thinks you are too sticky. So sweat, rosin, and tape residue from holding Pitch Com on the glove is the same as being a cheating fuck that uses Spider Tack, which White Sox Dave hilariously sampled a few years ago.

If I was Max's legal counsel, I would simply use the defense that Max swore on his kid's lives that he wasn't cheating (which is as good a Gospel a defense in my book) and that Phil Cuzzi is a dildo who harps on sticky stuff more than every umpire in the history of baseball to the point he's the only umpire that has ejected a pitcher for sticky stuff.

I guess with Cowboy Joe West out of the game, we needed another umpire to make the sport all about them. Welcome to the Thunder Dome, Phil and good luck sitting behind home plate the next time this maniac's pitching, which will probably have him trying to nick some umpire gear a few times on balls that "got away".

UPDATE: Turns out Max won't appeal because he knows he doesn't stand a chance against Manfred's stooges.

This all sucks but on the bright side, Max should be all rested up from the little injury he complained about this week and should back for the last game of the Braves series if he starts serving the suspension tonight.

We talked much more in depth about the Scherzer incident on today's We Gotta Believe as well as a recap of the Dodgers series and a preview of the Giants series that included cameos from Klemmer and Frank The Tank, who was delightfully rational once again.