Jessica Simpson Is Not Playing Around

As my esteemed colleague White Sox Dave posted last week, Jessica Simpson is back. 

His announcement included some very average to above-average pictures, which screamed "Don't call it a comeback, I been here for years"

Not like this one she threw up over the weekend, but not too shabby.

People want to chirp that she's lost her fastball, that she went a little bit too tight with the tuck work on the face, or whatever else they say to make themselves feel better, but for my money, Jess is not only back, but she never left.

And not like that even matters because she will forever been enshrined in HoF thanks to her commitment and services in the past. 

p.s.- if you say these songs weren't jams back in the day that still get stuck in your head when you hear them today you're a liar.