Kentucky Derby Fights Just Hit Different

I gotta say, when I clicked the Play button on a Kentucky Derby fight video, for some reason I thought I was going to get a pretty tame exchange between two fellas arguing in suits that ended with a tip of the cap, a shaking of hands and a mutual "Good day sir". But that brawl was something out of the Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars. People dressed like assholes, women getting shots in, and oh yeah a dude leaking from his motherfucking EYE.

This is the kinda shit I expected to see at the Kentucky Derby infield when I went a lifetime ago back when I was young and had the time/money/energy to party. I was expecting to see huddled masses yearning to breathe free as they downed tall boys. Instead, all I saw was a bunch of 20-somethings having fun along with more tits than I could've ever imagined. I guess all the true savages are the ones in the box seats dressed in $1000 seersucker outfits and silly ass hats that clearly can't handle their mint juleps (To be fair, a few properly made mint juleps will fuck up anybody to the point you may cause a stranger to bleed from his eye like Thor in Ragnorak because of something he said or did).

TL;DR - Kentucky.