It is With a Heavy Heart I Report the CNBC Journo Who Was Banging the Billionaire She Covered Has Been Fired

In case you're not aware of Hadley Gamble's work, she's reports on business for that cable channel that's always on one of the 57 TVs hanging from the ceiling of your gym that you never look at.

While the vast majority of us have been busily ignoring Gamble's reportage on international financial markets and interviews with Wall Street movers and shakers, she was reaching new heights of fame in the last few days. The traditional way. 

Because as they teach all Journalism majors, you can have all the insightful conversations with financiers about monetary funds and bond funds, but that will never get you the kind of notoriety you can get from a good old fashioned sex scandal:

Source - CNBC reporter Hadley Gamble had a romantic relationship with billionaire Tom Barrack that was exposed to her coworkers way back in 2020 — after the prominent Trump backer accidentally loafed on camera while she was filming her show, The Post has learned.

Gamble’s affair with Barrack surfaced after revelations regarding her “inappropriate relationship” with ousted NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell – who was fired last Sunday after an internal investigation after “a complaint of inappropriate conduct.”

You can be the best reporter in the financial news world, but there's one sort of liquid assets that really captures the public's imagination, and Hadley Gamble was allegedly up to her neck in it. (My apologies. That sentence sort of got away from me.) Gamble not only interviewed Tom Barrack without disclosing their relationship to anyone at CNBC, he is suspected of using his connections to line up interviews for her with other power people, including Trump's inner circle when he was President. Which bred resentment among her coworkers who didn't have the benefit of trading sexual favors with billionaires for scoops. So once they saw the video, they dimed her out. 

But not until after a company investigation found the "inappropriate relationship" between her and CEO Jeff Shell. An investigation that was launched by a complaint from Gamble claiming Shell sexually harassed her. Got it? OK. Moving on ...

It is now my grim duty to inform you that the Gamble/Barrack hookups have claimed a victim of their own. Gamble herself:

Such a terrible, terrible shame.

Giphy Images.

I suppose the takeaway here it that Capital-J Journalism is a tough racket. One minute you're jet-setting around the globe with an insanely wealthy guy, staying in the finest hotels, wearing expensive clothes, eating and drinking like royalty, and generally living the good life while you report circles around your colleagues. The next minute, you're updating your LinkedIn profile and searching for financial reporter work. 

Having a billionaire boyfriend is always going to create animosity among your colleagues. Especially when they're already jealous of your professional success. Sadly, Gamble was not immune from it. Now they've dragged her down and crawled over her back like a bunch of crabs trying to claw their way out of a bucket. Hopefully this thing between her and Barrack will last, because it can't be easy to find work in a tough media job market if everyone thinks you slept your way to the middle. Best wishes to both of these crazy, love struck kids. She deserves all the success in the world.