Woman Proclaimed Dead Wakes Up At Her Own Vigil

NY Post - This funeral was overkill.

Mourners at an Ecuadorian wake were left stunned after their “dead” relative began banging on the inside of her coffin. Bella Montoya, 76, regained consciousness during the vigil, which was held in the city of Babahoyo on Friday. Incredible video shows medics tending to Montoya after her loved ones realized she was still alive. She can be seen clearly breathing as she is removed from the casket and placed onto a stretcher.

“Her left hand was hitting the side of the coffin, and it was shaking,” Montoya’s son, Gilbert Balberán, told local media, according to Jam Press. Balberán claims the wake was held just four hours after Montoya was declared dead, with a medical examiner even providing him with a death certificate.

Her cause of death was listed as cardiorespiratory arrest.

If I didn't watch it I wouldn't believe it. This is one of those ones that seems like it can only be written in a sitcom or in a fake prank show. Absolutely wild scene from this funeral. I still almost don't believe it. A lot to take away. 

Obviously feel terrible for the family, to have to go through all the emotions of this, and then deal with a crazy moment of thinking the doctors were wrong, and a hope of family member actually being alive. Which makes me wonder how the doctors could have gotten to this point? Was this the biggest blunder in medical history or just a complete miracle ? 

I'll say it. The doctors are completely off the hook here. This is an act of God, a miracle, or just a freak occurrence. There is no way on earth anyone who ever even walked past a hospital could have anticipated that after running every test, and every sign etc that this was a true freak occurrence. I feel terrible for the family, and the doctors because of the optics, but also obviously hope this will end in good, and their relative comes back to life to enjoy time with them.

The one bonus here not talked about for this woman, who again I hope lives a long healthy life, is that when you wake up at the service, whether it be vigil or wake, you can judge who showed up or not. Did all your family make it? Which friends didn't show ? Imagine getting the text from a buddy who didn't show up trying to send his best wishes? "Hey man heard you woke up...sorry I missed it I was on my way but ..." Fuck off dude.