Mr. Beast's Video With Tom Brady is the 2nd Most Watched YouTube of All Time Over 24 Hours

This is the Mr. Beast video Pat wrote about earlier. 

Only I cued it up to the 9:40 mark. Because who wants to waste time looking at luxury yachts worth hundreds of millions of dollars when you can focus on the Tom Brady part? Anybody garden variety billionaire can put a down payment on an expensive boat. But no one can buy seven Super Bowl rings. 

I readdress this topic because Mr. Beast himself, who has the biggest following on YouTube with almost 160 million subscribers, has learned a valuable lesson about how to really engage with an audience. And the key is, obviously, Brady:

First, let me correct the record. What Mr. Beast is referring to is the category of non-music videos. If you look at power rankings of all YouTubes in their first 24 hours, it's all music. And something like nine of the Top 10 are K-Pop songs. So assuming he's right, this one trails only the Will Smith slap in terms of views. Which means it took the absolute galactic improbability of a TV/Hip Hop/Movie star, a household name with several of the highest grossing films of all time on his IMDb page, physically assaulting one of the most celebrated comedians of his generation on national TV just before he accepted a Best Actor Oscar to outdo Tom Brady hitting a drone with a spiral.

As I'm writing this, the Brady video is up to 62 million views. And you'd have to an imbecile with donkey brains to think all those people went rushing to their YouTube apps just to see a handful of 20-somethings lounging around on boats. If 62 million people were that into luxury yachting, Bravo TV's Below Decks would be a major hit with huge ratings, and not the obscure niche show with  cult audience interested in how obnoxious rich people live and watching crew members have casual sex that it is. Maybe some of that 62 million came for the boats. But the vast, vast majority came for the GOAT. 

That's the level of attraction his star power commands. Even as he approaches his 46th birthday. Even as his playing days are over. Incredible.

As a fun historic footnote you can memorize in order to amaze your friends, Brady himself was sort of indirectly involved in the creation of YouTube in the first place. Meaning, he was winning the Super Bowl that inspired its creation. While the Patriots were beating the Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX, some tech executives discovered that the most searched term in Google history was taking place. It was all variations of "Janet Jackson," "Janet Jackson nipple," "Janet Jackson boob," or "wardrobe malfunction." And realizing there was an insatiable market not only for pop star's areola, but for streaming video uploaded by content creators, they launched the site a few days later. 

Giphy Images.

What no one could've realized back in 2005 was that by 2023, YouTube would be the second most visited website, Tom Brady would just be retiring after adding four more rings, and the world would be just as obsessed with him as we were then. So let this be a lesson for all you creators looking for more views. Stop what you're doing, just focus on TB12, and the human race will come running to your channel.