Michael Malone Continues To Put Together The Single Greatest Coach Title Celebration We've Seen - This Time With A Tattoo

Typically title celebrations are reserved for players getting shit canned, saying whatever's on their mind and going the JR route of just never wearing a shirt. That's until this past week when Michael Malone became the first coach to grab the headlines. That's not even doing it justice. We've never really seen a coach put together a drinking celebration like Malone did: 

And now he goes and gets the retro logo with the trophy on it. Great tattoo. Easily the best coaching tattoo we've seen, with only one other that comes to mind: 

Still hilarious Pitino has that giant tattoo for a vacated title. Good news for Malone is that can't happen. I know people can get weird about tattoos. Hey, if you find something that works go for it. I don't care if the picture makes Michael Malone look like he's heavy in a mid-life crisis, the dude is just celebrating. Who hasn't done a couple regrettable things while celebrating? Plus that old logo is sick. The Nuggets need to bring that back and their old jerseys. That's how you build a dynasty.