Watch This Dad At The College World Series Botch The Most Embarrassing Catch Attempt Of All Time And Then Land On His Kid's Head


This has to be one of the worst attempts at catching a home run ball in the history of catching. The form, the jump, the near murder of his child when he crushes his head as he lands, it's all bad. Not as bad as Zack Hample's entire existence, but pretty bad nonetheless. 

He starts out with his hands placed like he's about to field a punt and then inexplicably jumps at the last second. I don't think this guy had a shot either way but that little bunny hop flushed the little hope he did have right down the toilet. Speaking of toilets, I hope he wiped well whenever he hit the john last because if not little Aiden is gonna be washing the scent of last night's Mexican food off his face for a week. 

The poor kid is just sitting there, completely oblivious to the fact a flying object is hurling at his head. He's also completely oblivious to the fact that his own father has zero depth perception and two left feet for hands. 

We all remember the exact moment when we realized our dad isn't a super hero and he's just a regular ass dude. This will be that moment for the kid in the green. If he even remembers any of this at all. He's probably concussed from his dad hitting him with Yokozuna's Banzai Drop in the middle of the bleachers.

It reminds me of another god awful catch attempt we saw in the last few days. From a man who might know a thing or two about pitching a perfect game on the aux cord but apparently knows nothing about fielding a fly ball. Tommy Smokes.

If you're a dad go out and have a catch with your kid this afternoon. You don't want him growing up to be like these two uncoordinated goobers.