This Video Of A Jack-In-The-Box Drive Thru Line Is The Most Asinine Thing I've Ever Seen

This video is going viral on Twitter and I still can't believe my eyes. I can count on one hand times I've been to Jack in the Box (no disrespect) in the last decade, and that count is zero. What do these people know that we don't? If I'm a businessman looking to franchise, look no further than creating one of the most obscure fast food chains that has somehow been around for 70+ years. This also isn't even a Jack in the Box diss more than it is just dystopian craziness that we have what looks like a hundred cars in line for some fast food. There's gotta be at least a couple cars in that line not knowing what they're waiting for until they get to the front and surprise buddy, it's mystery meat tacos. People would rather sit in their car for an hour than to get out and walk into the store themselves, as a result you get shit like this. Do they only have one fast food place in Utah? If this is a Chick-Fil-A line, it's not viral and I'm not even writing this story because they're pumping through that 100 car line in 7 minutes flat. One small compliment is that while this is bananas, Utah drivers seemingly get not blocking off exits like a total dickhead. 

I don't know how to feel anymore. This might just work as great marketing because for some odd reason I'm now thinking about how maybe I'm missing the greatest chain known only to Utahans. Maybe this is all just one big litmus test and now here we are as complete dummies. Well played Jack.