Progressive King Adam22 Agreed To Let His Wife Star In A Porn With Another Man (Bonus: Pro's & Con's Of Letting Your Significant Other Do Porn)

There's 2 types of married couples in this world. Those who let their significant other have performative sex on camera for money, and those who don't. Progressive guy like me? If my future wife wants to get dicked down in front of a director, camera man, and 7 other shady characters who's reason for being in the room is unknown, then more power to her. Happy wife, happy life. And there's no happier group of people in the world than those who work in the porn industry.

Evan Agostini. Getty Images.

But that's just how I see it. Not everybody feels the same way. Catholics for example, despite turning a blind eye to… actually no I'm not going down that road. Some people don't want their wives to do porn. I'll just leave it at that. 

I don't know a lot about Adam22. All I know he has a stupid name and he goes viral once every couple months for something sex or violence related. I remember he came into the office once with a large entourage, and somebody told me he was there like I was supposed to be fucking stoked about it, but I wasn't interested. 

Also his wife, Lena The Plug is already a porn star. She hasn't been on my radar, but apparently she's a big deal. She's all over PornHub, I just checked. Look for yourself. But apparently she hasn't dusted off the ol' porn boots since the two of them have been married. I think? I'm a little confused about that, but from this video/caption that's what I gather.

Good for Adam22. Although if we're being honest I'm not sure he had much of a choice. Telling a girl named Lena The Plug to not do porn is like telling a fish not to swim, or telling shop teacher he can't teach his class to make penny hockey boards. It's just what they do.

So of course that got me thinking, hypothetically, if your were Adam22… or even if you were yourself.. would you be a secure progressive king like Adam22 and allow your wife to chase that sweet sweet sex money? It's easy to say no at first. But wouldn't it be pretty cool to make $2,000 dollars? There's a lot to consider when making that decision. I've concocted a pro's and cons list for you to consider when deciding if you're ok with your wife doing porn.

Pro: Your Wife Makes an Awesome Hourly Wage
You might think, "It's just a couple thousand dollars, isn't your dignity worth more than that?"

When you put it that way, yes. But is it worth more than $1,000 PER HOUR!? No fucking chance. That equates to over $2,000,000 annually. That's CEO money. Not many people can say they've made that. 

Con: The Whole World Will Be Able To Watch Your Wife Get Fucked for The Rest of Eternity
This is quite the con. A very big con. Everybody in your life is going to watch it. Your friends, your colleagues, your brothers, your Dad, your Dad again, your Dad a few more times. Everybody and their mother is going to bust get a load of your wife at her most vulnerable. Some people aren't cool with that.

Pro: You'll Be Able To Watch Your Wife Get Fucked Whenever You Want for The Rest of Eternity
"BuT iT's mY wIfE I cAn dO tHat wHeneVeR i wAnt"

Grow up. I might have bought that bullshit back in the 90's, but the world has changed. Regular ol' wife sex just doesn't always cut it. Sometimes you want to watch a jacked stranger have sex with your wife. It could be kinda hot. You'll have it at your fingertips forever.

Con: A Great Depression
It might not happen right away, but within a year of the filming you will experience a great sadness. It will hit some harder than others, but there's a good chance you will regret the decision for the rest of your life. It might take years and years of therapy to fully come to terms with. And then even after you've fully accepted it, you still won't be completely over it. You might go a few months without thinking about it, but then one day when you're taking a shower it's going to enter your brain, your knees will buckle, and you'll have to shout the thought out of your head.  

Pro: She's Going To Owe You One
If you were kind enough to let her do the porn, she's going to be appreciative, and will want to do something for you in return. Maybe she'll let you get fucked on camera. Maybe she'll even let you do the fucking. It wouldn't necessarily have to be sexual either. Maybe she'll buy you a PS5. Just know that for the next few months she's going to be super nice to you, so make sure you capitalize on that while you can. Just be sure to pick your spots carefully. You can't do it in a way that makes her feel bad about her decision. You agreed to let her do it in the first place, so you can't hold it over her head. But play your cards right and you should be able to get some cool gifts out of it.

Con: The Guy in The Porn is Going to Be Better at Sex Than You
That's just a fact. Porn stars are so good at sex. It's crazy. I can't do those moves. You can't do those moves. Apparently your wife can. But she can't do them with you. 

Pro: Would Be a Hilarious Fun Fact to Say on Your First Day of Class if You Decide To Go Back to College Someday 
I was always bummed out when the teacher would ask our class for a fun fact on the first day and I never had anything good to say. 

"Um, yeah.. my family has a time share in Put-In-Bay" - nobody fucking cares. But tell the class, "My wife does porn", and you're gonna turn some heads.

Con: Every Time You Hang Out With Your Wife in Front of Other People You're Going to Be Wondering if Everyone Has Seen the Video
The answer is yes. They've all seen it.

Pro: Maybe She'll Make Porn Star Friends and You'll Get to Hang Out With Them
Hopefully your wife will meet some cool hot porn stars and they'll invite you to go clubbing. Then you can start running in circles with porn stars. When you're hanging out with other porn stars, they won't judge your wife at all. If anything they'll think she's prude compared to them. It would probably be healthy for you. And maybe you'll get to meet Johnny Sins

Con: She Might Like Her New Porn Friends Better Than You
It's possible she becomes addicted to the lifestyle and starts wanting to hang out with her porn star friends over your current friend group. Soon enough she'll start hanging out with them without you there. Then you'll stop getting invited out entirely. And you'll just sit there and let it happen.

Pro: More Time To Yourself
Ever since you met your wife, you've basically stopped watching sports in favor of Bravo reality TV shows. Every night you let her control the remote because you're a big spineless coward. That's probably why you let her talk you into this porn thing in the first place. But now that she's out with Johnny Sins every night, you'll be able to watch all the regular season baseball you want.  

Con: Her Porn Friends Will Convince Her To Quit Her Job and Do Porn Full-Time
Obviously they're going to try to talk her into it. They'll tell her that she showed real promise, and how compared to their first time on camera she knocked it out of the park. And it's only a matter of time before the $2000 she made runs out and she needs some quick cash. What is she going to do, pick up extra shifts at Kohl's? No chance. She's going to spend a few hours pretending to be a hot college professor who's hot college student needs extra credit to pass the class, and eating your wife's pussy is his only option. She's already done it once, what's one more time? It's a slippery slope. The decision gets easier and easier with each film. 

Pro: More Time To Cheat on Your Wife
Not only will you have more time, you'll now have a great sob story that will get you sympathy from any loose woman at the bar. "Poor me, I'm stuck at home each night watching the Royals game, while the love of my life is getting stuffed in an abandoned warehouse. If only there was someone sitting right next to me who could make me feel better." That'll work 9 out of 10 times. 

Con: Descent Into a Loveless Marriage 
Slowly you'll both start to resent each other. She'll know that you're cheating on her, but won't call you out on it because there's always going to be a small part of her that feel like it's her fault. Even though that's total bullshit. She asked you if doing porn was ok and you've been nothing but supportive to her, because again, you're a spineless coward who hates confrontation and let people walk all over you. So you've let this resentment build up more and more and more until you finally just shut down. She'll start exclusively hanging out with her porn friends. You'll stop having sex entirely. Soon enough you're not even speaking. Very sad stuff. 

Pro: Divorce Check
By the time you inevitably file for a divorce, your soon to be ex-wife will be making significantly more money than you. Obviously you didn't sign a prenup. You never thought this would happen. So you'll be receiving a healthy chunk of the porn money that ruined your marriage. It's kind of poetic.

Con: Jokes
Your asshole friends will make funny remarks to you for the rest of your life. You'll laugh them off. That's what friends do and all. But deep down it's always going to be a little hurtful.

Pro: Last Laugh
Years later, when your ex-wife has been chewed up and spit out by the industry, and you're settled down with a nice elementary school teacher, she'll look back on your relationship and wonder if all the porn was worth ruining your marriage over. In the end, she'll be the one with more regrets.

Con: Slow Sad Jerks
I suppose this could be a pro depending on how you look at it, but no matter how happy you are with your new life, you'll always think about what could have been. She was the love of your life, and it's a shame that the porn industry got between you. Every once in a while, when you're feeling sentimental, you're fire up Wet Pussy Bonanza 7 or whatever the fuck he latest project was called, cover up Ron Jeremy's face with your thumb and imagine that it's you plowing your wife like you would in the good ol' days. A single tear drips down your cheek. Seed drips down your leg. A tragic scene. You never imagined your life would have gone this way.

Just a little something to think about if your wife expresses interest in getting into porn.