These Cops Are Doing God's Work Pulling People Over Who Cut Into An Exit Lane At The Last Second

When I say these guys or girls should be given an award, I am talking not only in the Mass Police Dept I am talking about an honor across the nation. The Policemen's Benevolent Association across the country should rename an award in their name. They should get a street named after them, they should have a park bench in their honor ... free drinks at The Chatham Squire (Shoutout Dylan D ...Roll Tide even though he don't work there anymore) when they are off duty for the rest of their life. Free Sox tickets anytime they want. Gaz should get them in on his tables... the whole nine yards. Red carpet treatment. 

When I say NOTHING drives me crazier then the assholes who cut in at the last minute into an exit lane or onto an exit ramp. I ranked it number 1 on my worst things while driving that lead to road rage. Let's first talk about the problems I have with drivers who do this. First off, what makes you think you get to save time, or that you are better than me and your time is more valuable than mine ? I been waiting in this line like shlep all fucking day and you think you just get to cut in ? BULLLLLSHIT. Until the day I die, I will wag my finger no no no like Dikembe Mutombo at them and plant my bumper up against their bumper so they cannot get in. I take pride in it. Additionally, these assholes are the ones who cause traffic and backups. If everyone just obeyed the law and waited in line it would be so much easier, and quicker but we know that will never happen. 

My only hope is that Massachusetts acts like a groundbreaking department across our great country and sends this video / plan of action to every state in the country. They should say how successful it was and how quickly word spread from local residents to stop fucking around. "Hey Fitzy did ya hea ? They are pullin over cahhhs on the Mass Pike like wicked maniacs." was likely said up north in Mass and word got out not to act up, but unless people in NYC or Denver saw this video they are still driving like scumbags. We need to end the last second cut in across the country and the best way is to instill fear. Hell, send the Mass guys to every state on Overtime for all I care to implement it themselves ... they deserve endless amounts of money for this program.