The Home Run Derby Needs To Go Back To Its Old Ways Of 10 Outs Rather Than A Timer

I hate to be that guy because people love to second guess and critique after the fact but was't it incredible to watch the ball go over the fence in the past? When the derby had 10 outs it was so nerve-racking and pressure-packed to hit it over the fence instead of being timed. I don't care how fast you can hit home runs, I like watching every ball go over the fence and seeing where they actually land. As I watched last night's event unfold I got nauseous. I'd say I saw about half of the home runs hit on the night. When it's rapid fire like that and they don't bother to wait for the ball to land before delivering the next pitch it creates a terrible broadcast. You honestly have no idea what's going on half the time. They show you distances like a full minute after the ball got launched. It sucks. 

The Home Run derby is still fun to watch, but every pitch meant something in the old one. Now you just swing non-stop and rope line drive homers that just get over the wall. They used to take some pitches and when you used to hit a couple ground balls you can see the player getting in their own head. This it doesn't matter at all they just keep dipping and jacking. I think we should go back to the old ways because I really don't like not being able to see the ball go over the wall. I want to see the real thing, not some tracer that projects where it's headed. I remember seeing Robinson Cano win and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world watching how many he would hit out consistently. 

Bring this back.