A Man Is Pleading To Reddit To Ask If His 35-Year-Old Wife Going To Mississippi State Frat Parties Is A Red Flag

Oh no. No, no, no. Somebody find this guy and get him to a safe house immediately while we deal with this situation.

I genuinely feel bad for our guy who really went on Reddit to post this. He already knows deep down that his marriage is over, but he had to make one last ditch effort in the hope that he might find one or two weirdos on the internet to be like, "No, dude, my wife hangs out at the local Delta Chi house all the time! I know all the guys down there, they take great care of her!"

I was pretty sure this couldn't even be real, but apparently the Mississippi State fraternities are quite familiar with this super senior.

Damn. RIP.

If this story can teach us anything other than the fact that you should have a conversation with your wife if she wants to go to frat parties all the time, though, it's how deep SEC fandom runs. Take a look at that first paragraph again: "go bulldogs." This guy is having his marriage torn to shreds by Mississippi State frat guys and he still can't wait for the Bulldogs' season opener against Southeastern Lousiana in seven weeks. There is pretty clearly nothing an SEC school could possibly do to tear apart a fan from his school.

But yeah, the rest of this story is not good. Get a good lawyer, brother. Maybe mic her up before the first big Kappa Sig party of the new school year.