Who Had The Better Ageless Performance This Weekend? Brad Pitt At Wimbledon or Sofia Vergara By The Pool?

The weekend's headlines were dominated by 20 year old Carlos Alcaraz taking down Novak Djokovic and winning Wimbledon. He was the talk of the town all over social media and rightfully so. That being said there were two individuals out there in the galaxy who dominated at the other end of the age scale. Two human beings who defy the concept of age and make people like myself feel terrible about their appearance give how old they are. 

We'll start with Brad Pitt. The movie star will be 60 years old in December. SIXTY!!!! Are you fucking kidding me? I'm going to be turning 30 in the same month and look like Gollum from LOTR in comparison while he's stepping outside like this. 

ADRIAN DENNIS. Getty Images.

Comparing him to Boris Johnson below is laughable. Brad looks like he hasn't aged a day since Ocean's 11. That movie came out in 2001. 

My colleague Chris Klemmer is 16 years younger than Brad Pitt. 

Ridiculous. The other person in discussion for the sake of this blog is Sofia Vergara. She made news today with the announcement of her separation from her husband Joe Manganiello. Sad news for Joe, a beacon of hope for everyone else. 

How did she kick off the public announcement that she's single? Pretty quietly, and by that I mean she posted a bunch on Instagrams parading around in a swimsuit. Good lord. 

While it's pretty rude to bring up a woman's age in any fashion these days, I'm going to do it here in a complimentary fashion. Sofia just turned 51! How is that even possible? Joe Manganiello is a great looking guy and will almost certainly be just fine post-divorce, but man…

As for the debate yeah I'm going with Vergara for the best ageless performance of the weekend. It was razor thing close, but Vergara stepping up on the tanning chair in one of the videos from today showed elite mobility skills. She's still got it. Brad Pitt sat in his chair for 4.5 hours to watch tennis. Anyone could do that. Congrats to Sofia on her great work, get em' next time Brad.