If You Ever Wondered How It Would Feel To Play Sports On The Surface Of The Sun, This D-III School Just Installed Black Turf

If I had a time machine and could go back to any point throughout history to stop a catastrophic world event from happening, I would go back and stop Boise State from introducing the world to their blue turf. From that moment forward, I feel as if we've regressed as a civilization. 

Fortunately the colored turf craze started to die down as we've gotten further and further removed from Kellen Moore. But every once in a while you'll still see a new field pop up that makes your eyes bleed. Like Lindenwood's atrocity of alternating red and grey turf, or Coastal Carolina making you think you need to adjust the setting on your TV with their teal turf. 

But black turf? Now that's a choice. And a choice which SUNY Morrisville decided to make. 

Aside from the fact that it ends up looking like a parking lot, think about how blistering hot that shit has to be during those first few weeks of the season. SUNY Morrisville is a DIII school so I have no idea how much equipment they actually provide for the team. But I feel like if you're going to install black turf at your school, you better damn sure be supplying the team with cleats. Those poor bastards are going to be burning through the soles of their cleats every single week. 

With that being said...you can't put a price on that type of home field advantage. You almost have to be rooting for global warming if you're a Morrisville Mustang fan. Hope it takes until at least November this season before the weather starts to break and cool off. It's an easy game when the entire starting lineup of the opposing team passes out from heat exhaustion. 
