New Stanford Research Says ChatGPT Is Actually Getting Dumber So Your Job Might Be Safe For Now

Source: A new Standford research paper about GPT-4, which powers ChatGPT Plus, seems to confirm what users have been reporting for weeks: that the AI chatbot is getting dumber.

The paper goes into detail by utilizing and comparing how GPT-4 operates in comparison to 3.5. According to the researchers, the software behind ChatGPT is actually performing considerably worse:

“We find that the performance and behavior of both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 vary significantly across these two releases and that their performance on some tasks have gotten substantially worse over time.”

In the paper, Stanford researchers Lingjiao Chen, Matei Zaharia, and James Zou all found that when compared to the language model’s releases in March and June performance has degraded. The most egregious example is asking if 17077 is a prime number.

While the answer is yes, ChatGPT saw a massive decrease of 95.2% in accuracy. Meanwhile, GPT-3.5, which powers the free version of ChatGPT, saw an uplift from 7.4% to 86.8% when asked the same question.

This might be the end for me fellas. Did AI go on TikTok or something? Honestly this is pretty realistic because the longer it interacted with humans the dumber it became. If Stanford researchers studied my brain before and after being chronically online for a couple months they'd probably conclude I got dumber too. 

A "massive decrease of 95.2%" is kinda crazy. Is AI just going to start spitting out shit that's not true? In that case, I got some ice to sell you. There's a lot of talk about bloggers here being replaced by AI, and soon every blog will say published by Karim who is definitely not real, but I think they're safe for now. John Rich did say I am the supreme overlord of the blog in his blog yesterday and I've been blogging for a cup of coffee, so it was looking bleak for a moment there. Don't think I won't just refer to this study anytime I get something incorrect though. 

We're still years and years away from being completely overtaken by robots and technology, so in the meantime, here's a classic that not even the strongest computer could spit out:

Try taking that power away from me robots.