If You Want To Be A Crumb Bum And Run On The Field You Deserve To Get Put On Your Ass

I want it on record, I HATE people who run on the field, HATE them. It used to be funny, it used to be entertaining, it used to be thrilling. Now it's just some dork who wants clout on TikTok. This kid in Baltimore on Friday is the perfect example. 

I hope he enjoyed spending Friday night in a Baltimore city jail because he wanted to touch the outfield grass for 3 seconds. This also may have been the worst attempt I've seen yet. Zero plan, didn't know how to land on his feet, and possibly the slowest reaction time in history. Looked like Giancarlo rounding third yesterday. Did he think the security guards were going to let him romp around the outfield? 

The closing speed by that second security guard was all time too. Football season is right around the corner so this guy was just chomping at the bit to level this nerd. Sports are really the only place that people who don't work in the buildings pay to get in and then run through their offices. Imagine you're in your cube and some guy sprints through the hallway and you have to just hangout until security wrangles him up, that's basically what happens here. I hope these guys get banned for life from the ballpark. You want to act like an asshole and interrupt the game, smell ya later. Orioles are having maybe their best season ever and you want some shine? Enjoy never coming back, have fun telling your mom how you got in trouble tomorrow morning when she picks you up for trespassing.