I Didn't Think Anything Could Ever Make Us Care About FIU Football But These Miami Vice Themed Uniforms Are A Great Start

I could be forgetting things but a sure fire list of things absolutely no one gives a shit about : 

A- your fantasy football team 

2- Barstool Bench Mob

D- FIU Football. 

I imagine even Jeff D Lowe (and the D stands for dictator) couldn’t even fathom a way to work up a trivia question about a team who’s 74-162 in the last 10 seasons, made just 3 bowls and most people couldn’t tell what conference they play in. 

So it takes literally a miracle for FIU to make any waves in terms of news in college football. 

A miracle came in the form of a uniform announcement specifically a Miami Vice themed uniform. Now don’t get me wrong… I don’t think anyone will give a shit about FIU football about 30 seconds after they watch the video and then scroll past this tweet but you gotta give the social media and marketing department props to try and get people to notice an apathetic program with absolutely no buzz. “Shooters shoot” as they say. Can’t blame the suits for trying. 

Truthfully a sick uniform reveal. Remind me to bet on FIU in this game blind because of these uniforms and then hate myself because they stink.