We're Up To SIX First Round Finishes In Seven Fights On This UFC Card

Author's Note: I published this blog when we only had FIVE first round finishes in six fights. Updates are at the bottom....

As of this writing, we're currently six fights into tonight's UFC prelims, and we've seen six finishes - five of which were in the first round!

Honestly, aside from Blackshear's Twister, none of them were super flashy/blog worthy (most were just beat down TKOs) but I certainly hope this pace keeps up all night anyway! Keep the violence comin boys and girls!

Terrence McKinney and Isaac Dulgarian put up the most impressive stand-up performances of the night thus far, both absolutely butchering their opponents (unfortunately for Jersey City's Francis Marshall), but we've got plenty of strikers yet to make the walk tonight….

….so fingers crossed they'll be able to deliver some highlight reel knockouts for the blog later on. 

Main card on deck at 7pm ET!

UPDATE: Make that SIX first round finishes in SEVEN fights!

Unreal! Not a single decision on the whole prelim slate! Gotta love it!

This particular finish was a bit strange, considering McGhee seemed to call the fight - not the ref - but Buys was stumbling into the cage even after he got up; he was in la la land seeing stars for a while. I wouldn't call it "controversial" because the fight definitely shoulda been over, but it is a weird one.