People Are SO Upset Over The Whole "Blind Side" Controversy That They Are Demanding Sandra Bullock Give Back Her Oscar

Source - Twitter is home to a lot of ridiculous opinions, but the latest trend involving Sandra Bullock might be the app's worst ... users are calling for her to lose her Oscar on the heels of "The Blind Side" controversy.

It's about as crazy as it sounds, especially since there's zero evidence Bullock -- who played Leigh Anne Tuohy in the movie -- had any clue of the drama behind the scenes with Michael Oher and the Tuohy family.

The Tweets:

As we reported, the former NFL star claims the Tuohy family never adopted him -- as the movie suggests -- but he was instead placed under a conservatorship. Oher claims the family made a ton of cash off his life story in "The Blind Side," while he got nothing.

First of all, this entire story is fascinating. Sean Touhy Jr. was on Barstool Radio yesterday explaining his side of the story and from what I can tell, he seems to be telling the truth. I also think that, for better or worse, he's a bit of a moron. When your family is the subject of a blockbuster film and you only make $14,000 you are either A) Stu Feiner or B) someone who is so naive that they don't understand they're being screwed over. Regardless, the $300 million made by The Blind Side had to go somewhere and my guess is that it went directly into the studio heads' pockets. Having said that, suggesting Sandra Bullock should have to give her Oscar back is asinine. What do you think? That one of the biggest actors on the planet spent time digging through court records to confirm the legitimacy of an adoption? That she painstakingly interviewed every member of the family while cross checking references to make sure the story was real? No. Her team put a script in front of her, she saw the check, and she took the job. I'd have done the same thing. 

I asked Jeff D. Lowe what he thought and he said the following...

So there ya go. For the record there are also a ton of people rushing to her defense. Oh and she also just lost her partner to ALS last week, so maybe we back of Sandra for a while. That's it for this one. If you want to hear from the entire interview with Sean Touhy Jr. on Barstool Radio I linked it below. Thanks for reading. 




