Getting Engaged At The Airport Makes A Sporting Event Proposal Look BEYOND Romantic

I gotta start this off by saying this- I feel like a lot of people think I'm not a fan of romance when, in fact, I very much am! I LOVE love! It's awesome...if you truly found true love all the power in the world to ya and couldn't be happier for you. Now having said that? I was utterly stunned when I just scrolled by this on Twitter X. An airport proposal? A fucking AIRPORT PROPOSAL? Historically I'd say the consensus worst way to propose has got to be at a sporting event yet this takes it to a whole 'nother level. 

Both of these proposal methods I think are a tad crazy due to the amount of strangers that would be surrounding you. Obviously there's more people seeing the both of you at a sporting event than an airport, but ya know what? At least those 35k people at the ball game are (hopefully) having the time of their lives enjoying some dogs, beers, the smell of freshly cut grass, and much more though the airport people? Those are the most miserable people you can come across and rightfully so. An airport should be a place that's strictly business. No one wants to be there. They just want to get from point A to point B. 

I mean if anyone's ever been to the Delta Terminal 4 at JFK you know it basically rivals the NYC marathon in terms of distance so now all I can do is envision getting off a cross country flight at the opposite end of terminal 4 late at night after multiple delays...and I see people getting engaged? Call me a grinch but that's the definition of no good. Anyway congrats to the happy couple! I wish them nothing but a lifetime of health & happiness!