Dutch TikTok Chick Gets Over 3,000 Responses After Launching Her Boyfriend Application, Requirement Being You Have To Watch Cartoons

[Source] - And the 20-something has had quite the response already.

Since posting, Vera's clip racked up over 47,000 views and allegedly 3,000 applicants within 24 hours. 

"I’ve been single my whole life, that’s why I feel ready for a boyfriend now," Vera explained when asked about her requirements.

"I’m ready to settle down and be serious.

"But he needs to be funny, have good taste in music and his own income.

"He also has to be loyal and someone who watches cartoons."

Vera here is far from the first person to launch a boyfriend application, but this is the first one where I've seen watching cartoons as a requirement. She might be ready to settle down, but maybe up the standards a bit. Cartoons? What kind of cartoons are we talking about here? South Park, Family Guy, that sort of stuff, I can get. But are we talking Anime and you're finding a KenJac niche on The Dozen. 

I'm not going to blast her for doing a TikTok application. It's 2023, people find love in weird ass spaces. We have so many apps now that people use to meet for whatever reason. Hell, we get into strangers cars no questions asked these days. Nothing makes sense from when we grew up. You don't just go to a bar, awkwardly drum up a conversation, gyrate on them in the form of grinding and then hope you get a number. But come on, she knew what she was doing here. She's getting her name out there as a TikTok person/model. Not that she needs her name out there, she has 6 million Instagram followers. There's gotta be 1 there to make the cut for the boyfriend application. 

As for taste of music? What does that mean? That can be anything! Everyone has their own taste in music and what deems good. I listen to plenty of 'bad' music and don't like some beloved bands/music, that doesn't mean shit. You can't just say good taste in music and leave it open-ended. 

Anyways, if you like cartoons and make some sort of money, go apply. What's the worst that can happen? You're likely getting rejected on a regular basis anyways.