Update: There's A Video Of The Diarrhea Scene From The Diverted Delta Flight To Barcelona And It Is ... GRUESOME

So Hubbs last night blogged about the Delta flight that had to be returned to Atlanta after a passenger leaked "diarrhea all the way through the plane":

And if there's one thing we know about 2023 and the Internet, it's that if it happened, there's going to be video of it. Sad day, bad day indeed because the footage is out and it is terrifying. This is the opposite of the crazy plane lady saying it's not real because it sure as hell is and it is PLENTIFUL.

Imagine that situation on those double decker plane seats that they were talking about a few months ago?

I'm not sure if we've confirmed that Jersey Jerry wasn't actually supposed to be in Barcelona today, but we should. I'm not even sure hazard pay would cut it for that poor cleaning crew that has to endure this. This is probably the second video in the history of videos that I was able to smell through the screen. I hope you're not eating dinner because mine just came back up. Next time take advice on a proper diarrhea nightmare from Chaps:

I say we let Anthony Bass clean it up and let bygones be bygones on that whole situation. That's the only way out of this. In the meantime, just remember, whatever delay or problems you may encounter at the airport, it can be a whole lot shittier.