Mack Brown Absolutely Shit On The NCAA Because They Are Corrupt And Won't Grant Tez Walker Eligibility For This Season

I usually don't do anything Pro Tar Heels but this was an awesome fucking letter given by Mack Brown because fuck the NCAA. So if you don't know Tez Walker, he is a transfer wide receiver and the NCAA won't let him play. This is his journey...

So he started his career at NC Central and transfers to Kent State but they don't play a single game because of Covid. He has only played for one school and the NCAA sucks so much that they won't let him immediately play for UNC, where Tez is from, for no reason. The transfer portal is an absolute joke now that you have teams building completely new rosters and nobody says a word. Look at JT Daniels. I don't know how the fuck this guy is still in college but the NCAA is going to let this old bag continue to play?

This is his 6th year playing for his 4th team! Please NCAA, make this make sense when Tez just wants to play football and did absolutely nothing wrong. It seems like the NCAA gets on their high horse sometimes for absolutely no reason and just fucked this kid over for no reason. I can't see one scenario where I would agree with them in any way. 

What exactly is the NCAA needed for anyway when these schools and these super conferences are going to have all the power? Why does the NCAA get a piece of anything when they have been basically stealing for years? This kid just wants to play some football for a school where he dreamed of playing for in front of his family and the NCAA just chooses to fuck him over. Do something right for once and overturn this ruling.