There Is Reportedly A Missing Runaway Pilotless Fighter Jet Flying Above The U.S Right Now

A U.S. fighter jet’s stealth abilities appear to be working too well, with authorities forced to ask the public for help finding an F-35 that went missing somewhere over South Carolina when the pilot ejected because of a “mishap.”

Joint Base Charleston, an air base in North Charleston, said it was working with Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort to "locate an F-35 that was involved in a mishap" Sunday afternoon.

The pilot was able to safely eject from the aircraft, an F-35B Lightning II jet, and was taken to a local medical center in stable condition, it said in a Facebook post around 5:35 p.m. ET.

The jet was left in autopilot mode when the pilot ejected from the aircraft, so there’s a possibility it could still be airborne, Jeremy Huggins, a spokesman at Joint Base Charleston, told NBC News over the phone.

Well if any of you see something like this flying through the sky it might be the missing plane that has been left cruising in the sky. 

It's hilarious that the government got so good at making undetectable airplanes that after a pilot ejected from one the autopilot kept it flying and they literally have no idea where it is. Its flying around the sky like a boat on a lake with no driver, I mean this is the lake equivalent of this plane just trolling the skies on autopilot. 

unfortunately, that boat ended up crashing into some docks. I have no idea how this all works but when that plane runs out of fuel is it going to land itself? Are these autopilot planes like cats that will just come home when they feel like it? Do we have other planes hunting down this rogue f-35 that could be flying itself all the way to Russia to give up technological secrets? This plane literally could crash into a building. It's been a couple of hours and from what I know about f-35s this thing could be very far from South Carolina right now. It could legit be over the north or south pole by now. Hopefully, the Military has shot it down already but it's so hard to detect on the radar they probably don't have a chance.

No aircraft can be invisible in every electromagnetic frequency, but the F-35 is designed to be so hard to detect in the frequencies used by targeting radars that an enemy would need to be nearly within visible range to even attempt a kill (very few enemies would be able to get that close without being shot down) 

How the hell are they going to find this thing?