This Babysitter Ad That Is Paying $200 A Week To Take Care Of 4 Kids With A Laundry List Of Demands And Qualifications Is All-Time

Sometimes you see shit on the Internet and it's almost too unbelievable to ever assume it could have a sliver of truth. I'm at that point with this ad for taking care of miss Tammy's kids, but it's going viral and I'm a numbies hunter. Every line it continued to get worse and worse. Imagine getting a whole ass Master's Degree just to take care of Tammy's four kids for the incredibly lucrative $6 an hour? What an opportunity!

I can't even fault guys like Dave who don't want kids. Having 4 of those fuckin things running around sounds like the worst nightmare imaginable. Maybe I'm just a miserable AI and missing out on the finer things. Both can be true. Hopefully Tammy gets some sucker to buy in to the vision. Or those kids will inevitably find TikTok on a phone and be poisoned like the rest of the youth anyway.