It Should Be Illegal To Run A Marathon In Just 2 Hours And 35 Seconds

Die Hard. We Are Marshall. Gridiron Gang featuring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Xzibit. 

These are all movies which would take you longer to watch than it just took Kelvin Kiptum to run 26.2 miles. Could you just try to imagine that for a second? Imagine you had a roommate who tells you he's about to go out for a run. You say, "alright, great. Now I can watch Gridiron Gang all alone without any interruptions while you're out on your silly little jog". That's a conversation that millions of people throughout the world have had at some since 2006, as Gridiron Gang is a spectacular film. But just as the final scene is about to start, your roommate comes bursting through the doors because he just finished his marathon in 2:00:35 because your roommate is Kelvin Kiptum. You're irate, and it should be illegal for him to come back from running 26.2 miles in that short of time. 

Running a 4:33 mile in general is crazy. Just doing that for one mile would wipe most humans out for the next 5-8 business days. But to then sustain that pace for 26 miles? It's asinine is what it is. It shouldn't be possible, yet here we are. And the craziest part about this is that apparently this cat doesn't even have a coach or anything. Just a dude who runs fast as shit for long as shit all on his own. 

You'd figure at that level of running, these guys would have an entire team of science nerds who break down every last second of the race. Who tell him exactly when to pick up the pace and exactly when to tone it back a bit. When to take a breath here, when to take a breath there. But no. This dude just does it all on his own and he's not the fastest man in the world. Billions and billions of people on this Earth, and he's faster than all of them. 

Sidenote: It has to be legitimately impossible to shave off those 35 seconds, right? I love humans as much as the next guy, but I just don't think we're supposed to be able to run 26.2 miles in under 2 hours. We need some sort of rules to nature here. 
