Lacrosse Is Going To Be In The 2028 Olympics, Which Means That Hating The Sport Makes You An Un-American Sack Of Shit

Sean M. Haffey. Getty Images.

I've been covering lacrosse for quite some time here at Barstool SPORTS [dot] com. And over those years, pretty much every bit of content I put out about lacrosse comes with a few dickheads in the comments saying things like "nobody cares" or "not a real sport". These sad, pathetic wastes of life have probably never even watched a moment of lacrosse before. They surely have never tried playing the sport at all. They're just scared of the fact that the world will leave them behind when lacrosse finally takes over. And that time is rapidly approaching by the day, as lacrosse is now on the fast track towards being in the 2028 Olympics in LA along with 5 other sports. 

Now here's the thing--you want to hate on lacrosse? That's fine. We live in America, which gives you that freedom to feel however you want to feel. But when lacrosse is being played on the world's biggest stage and we have the United States of America taking on Canada in the gold medal game at the Olympics? Well at that point, hating lacrosse effectively means that you hate America. And that makes you an asshole. 

So now the comment section has a tough choice to make. Do you want to finally shut up and give lacrosse a fair chance, or do you want to be an American-hating piece of human garbage? It's up to you. 

By the way--the format of lacrosse that would be included in the Olympics would be Sixes. Which is more similar to box lacrosse being played outdoors than anything. Which gives Canada a huge advantage because they can currently kick our ass without even breaking a sweat in that format. Here's what happened at the first "World Championship" event for Sixes lacrosse. 

Canada beat the US 23-9 in the gold medal game. Luckily we still have a few years ahead of us to try to catch up before the summer of 2028. But this might need to be the #1 focus in America moving forward for the next 5 years. We need to get better. We can't lose the gold medal game at home in 2028. We need everyone to pitch in. Start putting a stick in everyone's hand. The fate of the world depends on it. 

