Lighten the Fuck Up Joke #200! He Refused to Pay for the Pasta Because He Found a Hair in It...

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A guy ordered pasta in a five-star Italian restaurant. 

In the middle of eating, he found a hair in his food. He motioned for the waiter and, pointing at the lone hair, said, "I'm not paying for this filthy meal!" and then walked out. 

The angry waiter, suspecting the guy planted the hair and was trying to skip out on paying the bill, followed him out of the restaurant and watched him go into a brothel three blocks away… 

The waiter stood outside the brothel for about 10 minutes before going in. Once inside, he found which room the guy was in, burst through the door, and saw the guy with his face buried in a prostitute's crotch. 

The angry waiter interrupted wildly, "Oh, so you eat pussy and complain about one hair in your pasta!" 

The man stopped, looked up, and, seeing the waiter, snapped back, "Yeah, and if I find any pasta in this pussy, I won't be paying for this either!"


Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #200!

Just in case you missed the last one…