Hilarious Headline of the Day - NCAA investigating Michigan for scouting their opponents before they play them (I'd insert crying laughing emojis in title if I knew how)


Well it was only a matter of time till something like this happened.  Michigan the winningest college football program of all time has firmly reestablished itsself as the most dominant force in the entire sport.  It's not a question of whether Michigan will beat Ohio State anymore, it’s just a matter of by how many.  It’s not whether Michigan will win the Big 10 anymore, but who will they meet in the playoffs.   Their march towards a National Title seems as inevitable as the incoming tides.


So it’s the least surprising news ever that all the haters and schools who can't compete with Michigan on the field anymore have now been reduced to throwing stones at statues.  Trying to bust Michigan on some minor technicalities in the tabloids.    Oh Jim Harbaugh bought a recruit a hamburger.  Oh Michigan scouts their opponents before they play them blah blah blah.  Meanwhile in the same breath the Buckeye Brandon’s of the world will complain how Michigan hasn’t played a real opponent yet.   But now we scout them too hard?  Laughable.  

All this jealousy and hate is how you know you've officially made it.  Nobody knows this better than me and my 6 superbowl rings and 2 decades of dominance with the Patriots.  Whenever you are the bully on the block people will do anything to knock you off your pedestal.  To make excuses why they can't beat you.   Every week it seemed an angry fan or a vanquished foe would make up reasons why they lost to the Patriots.   As I constantly tell my fat friend Big Ev all the time, jealously is a stinky cologne and right now the entire college football world is jealous of the Wolverines.  This is why I squealed with delight when I saw the ESPN headlines.   It was deja vu for me all over again.   Michigan is back.  I am back.   God it's great to be king again!!