Michigan State Reached Maybe Its Lowest Point Yet After Hosting An In Game Trivia Question Where They Asked What Country Hitler Was From

Just when you think it can't get any worse for Michigan State this season, they prove you wrong in ways you never thought were possible. What the fuck is this? Michigan has had them in Hell for two quarters now (28-0 at half at the this blog), so what better way to provide entertainment to fans than to host an in-game trivia question where you ask to identify what country Hitler was born in? This is so absurd that I genuinely can't believe it's real. I would have put any amount of money that it was fake or like some weird Quigs edit. Nope.

Interesting PR pivot here from the Spartans after what has been a disastrous year on and off the field. It doesn't get much lower if you're a Little Brother fan. East Lansing is in shambles.